■ Published twice a week on Wednesday and Saturday.
■ Over 3,500 paid circulation, with a strong base of loyal readers in Jackson County.
■ Reach over 75% of the homes in Jackson County by also advertising in our sister publication, the Bellevue Herald-Leader,
covering the eastern side of Jackson County with nearly 2,000 paid circulation.
■ Welcomed into Jackson County and area homes since 1854.
■ Award winning publication journalistically
■ Serves the residents of the Maquoketa trade area.
$7.75/column inch
Note: Tabloid size 6 columns (10 1/2”) x 16”
Twice weekly paid-circulation hometown newspaper
reaching over 3,500 area homes!
■ Spot Color: $80
■ Full Process Color: $$100 for Wednesday/Saturday; $180 for Bizzy Bee
■ Mechanical Information
Tabloid size 6 columns (10 1⁄2”) x 16”
Width of columns:
• l column -- l 5⁄8”
• 2 columns -- 3 3⁄8”
• 3 columns -- 5 1⁄4”
• 4 columns -- 7”
• 5 columns -- 8 3⁄4”
• 6 columns -- l0 1⁄2”
Ad length measure to nearest half inch.
■ Political Ads
Political advertisements and other advertisements that attempt to influence public opinion on particular issues must carry the name of the organization responsible for the advertisement and the
name and address of at least one person connected with the organization. Such advertisements must meet Iowa Code requirements, and be paid in advance of publication.
■ Affiliated Publications
— Special Rates Available Upon Request —
Bellevue Herald-Leader
■ Some call Bellevue, located in Jackson County, one of the nicest communities in the Midwest, just 30 miles south of Dubuque along the breath-taking scenery of the Mississippi River. Over
2,000 paid weekly circulation every Thursday.
The DeWitt Observer
■ One of the fastest growing communities in Eastern Iowa, DeWitt sits on the crossroads of Highway Routes 30 and 61, just 20 miles west from Clinton. 4,700 paid circulation twice-weekly in
Clinton County (Wednesday & Saturday).
The Galena Gazette
■ Nestled among the hillsides of northwest Illinois, Galena is rich with history and beauty. Galena boasts an unusually high spendable income and hosts over a million tourists
annually. 5,000 paid circulation weekly in Jo Daviess County (Wednesday).
The North Scott Press
■ A rural/suburban Quad-Cities community just north of Davenport, the North Scott Press serves Eldridge, Park View and all of northern Scott County including the North Scott School
system. 5,700 paid circulation weekly (Wednesday).
■ Terms and Conditions
Effective Sept. 1, 2008. Rates are non-commissionable.
■ Customer Concerns
a. New accounts and out-of-state businesses subject to
payment in advance.
b. All advertising is subject to approval of the publisher.
The Sentinel-Press reserves the right to reject or cancel
any advertisement at any time. Cancellation will not be
accepted after the deadlines specified above.
c. The Sentinel-Press will be liable for any error or omission,
or for a failure to insert any advertisement, only to the extent
of the cost of the actual space occupied or to have been occupied
by that advertisement.
■ Terms
Established customer accounts payable by the l0th of the month following month of charge. l l⁄2% per month service charge on accounts over 30 days. This is a charge of l8% per year.
MasterCard & Visa available. All new accounts or out-of-state ads must be paid in advance.
■ Advertising Deadlines
Wednesday Edition, Sentinel-Press
Classified & Display: 11 a.m. Monday
Proof Display: 11 a.m. Friday
Legal Notices: 5 p.m. Friday
Wednesday Edition, Buyers Guide
Classified: 11 a.m. Monday
Proof Display: 4 p.m. Friday
Display*: 4 p.m. Friday
Saturday Edition, Sentinel-Press
Proof Display: 11 a.m. Thursday
Legal Notices: 5 p.m. Wednesday
Display*: 11 a.m. Thursday
Saturday Edition, Bizzzzy Bee
Proof Display: 11 a.m. Wednesday
Classified & Display: 11 a.m. Thursday
*Includes classified display ads.
If proof desired, please use proof display deadline!
■ Special Pages
Wednesday Edition: Saturday Edition:
■ Agriculture/Business ■ Family
■ Dining & Entertainment ■ Dining & Entertainment
■ Family ■ Editorial
■ Sports ■ Sports
■ Obituaries ■ Obituaries
■ Classified and Legal Advertising
Rates are available upon request. All classifieds are to be paid in advance. MasterCard & Visa accepted.
Special 26-week and 52-week contracts
are available upon request.
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