The Maquoketa Sentinel-Press welcomes letters to the editor.
Letters must include the writer’s name, address and a daytime telephone number in case verification is necessary. Anonymous letters will not be published.
Letters should be 350 words or less. This is a guideline, but not a rule. The Sentinel-Press reserves the right to edit letters for length, style, grammar, inappropriate content and libel.
Letters on any topic of general public interest are welcome. Thank-you letters of a general nature expressing appreciation to those who volunteered or contributed to a project, event or cause
will be accepted. Letters that contain lists of volunteers, donors or contributors will not be accepted.
Letters must be signed by individuals, not groups or organizations. If the writer represents a group, the name of the group may be used as part of the signature line. If a letter is signed by several people, only one or two people’s names will be used. In those cases, an editor’s note may be added stating that others signed the letter.
During election campaigns, letters that bring up allegations or issues not previously raised during the campaign will not be published in the last issue preceding an election.
Letters may be submitted online; dropped off at the Sentinel-Press office at 108 W. Quarry St.; mailed to the Maquoketa Sentinel-Press, 108 W. Quarry St., Maquoketa, Iowa 52060; faxed to (563) 652-6094 or e-mailed to